Written by: Shubham

9 in 10 marketers worldwide have already included content marketing as a crucial part of their marketing strategy. 

Marketers in India primarily use content marketing to engage new audiences and increase brand awareness. At the same time, marketers worldwide stated that they primarily used content marketing to increase brand awareness, build trust and credibility, and generate leads. 

Let’s take a look at the latest facts and figures about the content marketing industry and its adoption by marketers in India as well as globally. 

   Content Marketing Statistics 2024: Editor’s Picks 

  • The content creation market in India is expected to reach over $24 billion in 2028. 
  • 27% of marketers in India employ content marketing to engage newer audiences.
  • 94% of Indian marketers are looking forward to continuing their investments in video content.
  • 9 in 10 organizations have a content marketing strategy. 
  • 70% of B2C marketers and 73% of B2B marketers use content marketing as a part of their marketing strategies. 
  • In 2023, video content was the most used form of content marketing, with 50% of marketers using it, while 47% and 33% used images and blogs. 
  • Content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing methods. 

Content Marketing Industry Statistics 

  1. The content creation market in India is estimated to surpass over $24 billion in 2028. 
  1. In 2024, the content marketing industry is expected to generate a revenue of $82.3 billion. 

Comparatively, in 2023, the industry was estimated to generate a revenue of $72 billion and is projected to generate a revenue of $107.5 billion by 2026. 

Here is a table displaying the revenue generated by the content marketing industry worldwide over the years. 

YearContent Marketing Revenue 
2026*$107.5 billion
2025*$94 billion
2024*$82.3 billion
2023*$72 billion
2022*$63 billion
2021*$55.1 billion
2020*$48.2 billion
2019*$42.1 billion
2018$36.9 billion

*- Estimated Values

Source: CNBC TV18, Statista

General Content Marketing Statistics

  1. 27% of marketers in India employ content marketing to engage newer audiences. 

Meanwhile, 26% of marketers said they use content marketing to increase brand awareness. 

Marketers Employ Content Marketing Strategies

The following table displays the reasons marketers employ content marketing strategies in India.

Reason for using Content Marketing Share of Marketers
Engage newer audiences27%
Increase in brand awareness26%
Builds reputation through thought leadership17%
Attract and retain existing customers16%
Lead generation14%
  1. Social media was the most commonly used format in India for content marketing.

Social media is considered to be a primary channel for content distribution. 

22% of the marketers in the country use social media for content marketing. Blogs and newsletters were the second most preferred content marketing format in India, with 2 in 10 social media marketers using them. 

Here is a table displaying the most commonly used content marketing formats in India.

Content Marketing FormatPercentage of Marketing Professionals
Social media22%
Blogs & newsletters20%
Videos & webinars19%
Testimonials & case studies18%
Images & infographics14%
Research report & white paper7%
  1. Over 8 in 10 marketers actively invest in content marketing. 

Meanwhile, 10% of the marketers did not use content marketing, while 8% were unsure if their company had invested in content marketing. 

  1. 90% of the organizations in 2022 stated that content marketing was a crucial part of their overall marketing strategy. 

That was a decrease of 7% in organizations that included content marketing strategy in their overall marketing strategy compared to 97% of organizations using it in 2021. 

However, the share of organizations using content marketing strategies increased by 20% between 2019 and 2021. 

The following table displays the share of organizations that have made content marketing a crucial part of their marketing strategy. 

YearShare of Organizations
  1. 56% of businesses believe that in-person events and webinars are excellent ways to spread the word about their businesses. 
  1. Over half of the businesses investing in content marketing publish daily content. 
  1. 63% of brands and businesses use paid channels to accelerate content distribution. 
  1. 41% of the marketers stated that the main goal of using content marketing is to create brand awareness. 

Most marketers use content marketing to spread awareness about their products, services, or brand. 

In addition to them, 38% of marketers stated that the main goal of a content marketing strategy is to generate leads. 

One-third of marketers stated that they wanted to build loyalty with existing customers with the help of content marketing, while 3 in 10 marketers stated that they wanted to support the launch of a new product. 

Here is a table displaying the top goals of marketers using content marketing. 

Goal of Using Content Marketing Percentage of Marketers 
Create brand awareness41%
Generate demand/leads38%
Build credibility/trust38%
Generate sales/revenue38%
Build loyalty with existing customers33%
Support the launch of a new product30%
Educate audience27%
Build a subscriber audience26%
Nurture leads22%
Drive attendance at events21%

Source: Statista, Content Marketing Institute, Statista, Statista, Statista, Hubspot, The Manifest

Content Creation Statistics

  1. Around 8 in 10 business owners and marketers stated that they write content by themselves. 17% hired in-house writers, and 14% worked with freelancers. 
  1. 35% of marketers stated that writing a long-form article requires 2 to 3 hours without AI. On the other hand, 38% of the marketers who use AI for content creation stated that it requires 2-3 hours to write a long-form article. 

The following table displays the average time marketers spend on writing a single long-form blog post. 

Average Time RequiredAfter Using AI tools Before Using AI Tools 
Less than 1 hour36%16%
2 to 3 hours35%35%
4 to 5 hours14%24%
6 to 8 hours8%13%
Over 8 hours4%8%
At least a few days2%3%
Over a week1%1%
Less than 3 hours28%49%
  1. 45% of the marketing professionals stated that video content is their most successful type of content and also the most commonly produced content. 

Short-form articles and success stories were the second and third most produced content, with 31% and 28% of marketing professionals using it, respectively. 

Only 11% of the marketing professionals produced podcasts, while 19% leveraged case studies for marketing. 

Here is a table displaying the most produced type of content by marketing professionals.  

Content Marketing Types Percentage of Marketing Professionals
Short-form articles31%
Success stories28%
Long-form blog posts24%
Case studies19%
Webinars and online events18%
Gated content17%
White Papers14%
Offline events12%
Product guides/manuals11%
Research reports11%
Data visualizations11%
Print and magazines10%

Source: Statista

  1. 73% of the marketing professionals stated that they used social media organically to promote their content. 

On the other hand, 51% of marketing professionals use paid social media ads to promote their content. 

Further, one-third of the marketers used Organic search for content promotion, and one-fourth of the professionals used influencer marketing. 

Channels Used By Marketing Professionals

Here is a table displaying the channels used by marketing professionals to promote their content. 

Channels used for Marketing their ContentPercentage of Marketing Professionals
Community platforms10%
Email marketing53%
Guest posts11%
Influencer marketing25%
Native advertising/sponsored content11%
Organic search33%
PPC/paid advertising23%
PR/media outreach28%
Social media (organic)73%
Social media (paid ads)51%
Sponsorships (e.g., events, webinars, podcasts)29%
  1. 50% of the marketers created video content in 2023, which was the most created form of content in 2023. 

Images were created by 47%, while 33% of the marketers created blogs in 2023.

Source: Semrush, Hubspot, Statista, Search Engine Journal, Ahref, Content Marketing Institute

B2B Content Marketing Statistics

  1. Link building is included by 64% of the businesses in their content marketing strategy. 
  1. 94% of B2B businesses create short articles and blog posts. 
  1. Case studies/ customer stories, videos, and thought leadership e-books/white papers were the 3 performing B2B content assets in 2023. 
  1. 69% of the B2B marketers are looking forward to investing in Video content in 2024.

According to a survey conducted in July 2023, nearly 7 in 10 B2B marketers stated that they would invest in video content for marketing and advertising. 

43% of the marketers said that they would invest in paid advertisements, while one-third stated they plan to invest in webinars. Only one-fourth of the markets talked about investing in audio content. 

Here is a table displaying the areas of content marketing where B2B marketers are planning to invest in 2024. 

Areas of Investment in Content MarketingPercentage of B2B Marketers
Thought leadership content53%
In-person events47%
Paid advertising43%
Social media management/community building33%
Audio content25%
Digital events21%
  1. 84% of B2B marketers use video content as a part of their marketing strategies. 
  1. 96% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn for marketing.
  1. While creating content, 66% of B2B marketers consider their audience above sales goals. 
  1. 40% of B2B marketers have a documented content marketing strategy. Among the most successful B2B businesses, 64% stated they have a documented content marketing Strategy. 
  1. 55% of B2B marketers stated that attracting quality leads with their content is the top challenge. 

Meanwhile, one-third of the marketers stated that ranking in search engines is their top challenge. 

The following table displays the top challenges faced by content marketers. 

Top Challenge Percentage of Marketers
Attracting quality leads with content55%
Generating ROI and sales with content42%
Generating traffic with content38%
Creating more content faster and finding resources. 37%
Ranking in search engines33%
Generating content ideas33%
Creating content that resonates with the audience30%
Organizing the content marketing process in the company26%
Producing original and high-quality content23%
Hiring highly qualified content marketing talent20%

Source: Statista, Siege Media, Search Engine Journal, Statista, Content Marketing Institute, Ahref 

B2C Content Marketing Statistics

  1. Only 37% of the B2C content marketers reported that they have documented content marketing strategies. 
  1. 36% of B2C content marketers include link-building as a crucial marketing strategy. 
  1. Nearly 4 in 10 B2C content marketers plan to use generative AI in their marketing campaigns. 
  1. 63% of the B2C marketers using nonpaid social media platforms stated that Facebook was the best platform for overall content marketing results. At the same time, 53% of the marketers preferred LinkedIn, and 39% preferred Instagram. 
  1. Over 6 in 10, B2C marketers use paid media in their content marketing strategy. 
  1. The primary investment in B2C content is social media building and community creation. 

Meanwhile, 45% of marketers stated that improving content quality is their main area of investment in content marketing.

The following table displays the main areas of content marketing investment according to B2C marketers. 

Area of InvestmentPercentage of B2C Marketers
Social media and community building57%
Improving content quality45%
Customer and audience research36%
Video content35%
Better content analysis26%
Product marketing content 25%
Growing content team 22%
Content Design/ User Experience16%
Other advanced Visual content 13%
Audio Content12%
AI Content Marketing Tools7%
  1. Nearly 7 in 10 marketers make active investments in SEO. 

Source: Hubspot, Semrush, Content Marketing Institute, Optin Monster, Hubspot, Backlinko, Ahref

Blogging Statistics

  1. 79% of the content marketers blog actively. 
  1. Nearly half of the consumers worldwide read the company’s blog before making a purchase decision. 
  1. Blog content is the top priority for 89% of marketers. 
  2. 76% of marketers publish how-to-articles, the most popular content format worldwide. 55% of marketers publish lists, while 47% publish news and trends, making them the second and the third most popular content formats. 
  1. 85.19% of the traffic on a blog comes from organic search. 
  1. Nearly a fourth of the consumers reported skimming blog posts, while just 27% read them thoroughly. 
  1. Blogs are used to generate leads by 76% of the content marketers. 
  1. The average engagement of the blog readers drops after 7 minutes. 
  1. In 2023, the average post length was 1,416 words. That is 77% more words per post compared to a decade ago. 
  1. 53% of the bloggers with a blog post of 3000 words reported getting better results. 

On the other hand, only 14% of the blogs with less than 500 words perform better, while one-third of the blogs with 200 to 3000 words get big results. 

The following table displays the bloggers that witnessed big results with different numbers of words. 

Number of Words in a BlogPercentage of Bloggers
Less than 500 words14%
500 to 1000 words20%
1000 to 1500 words21%
1500 to 2000 words33%
2000-3000 words43%
3000 words53%

Source: Content Marketing Institute, Animalz, Hubspot, Semrush, Search Engine Journal, Ahref 

Email Marketing Statistics 

  1. 62% of email marketing teams require two weeks or more to build an email. 
  1. On average, readers allocate only 51 seconds to reading or going through a newsletter after opening it. Only 19% of the newsletters are read completely. 
  1. Nearly three-fourths of email marketers use email newsletters to distribute their content. 
  1. Emails that include video content witnessed an increase in open rates by 5% to 15% and click-through rates by 0.24% to 2.23%. 
  1. 71% of email marketers consider engagement to be a critical factor in evaluating content performance.
  1. 49% of the marketers said they used AI to generate and email copy. An equal share of marketers consider website traffic a crucial factor, and 2% points higher marketers consider conversions as a crucial factor for evaluating content effectiveness. 

Source: Get Response, Content Marketing Institute, Hubspot, Semrush

Podcast Marketing Statistics

  1. Just 3% of marketers include podcasts in their content marketing strategies. 
  1. In 2023, 64% of the people in the United States listened to a podcast or approximately 183 million Americans. 

That was a 2% point increase from 2022 and a 9% point increase from 2020. 

Americans Who Listened To Podcasts

The following table displays the percentage of Americans who listened to podcasts over the years. 

YearPercentage of Americans that Listened to Podcasts 
  1. After listening to a podcast advertisement, 61% of GenZ visited the company’s web page. 
  1. Podcast ad spending in the United States is estimated to reach $2.56 billion in 2024, a 16.3% increase from 2023. 
  1. The podcast costs can be deducted by half with the help of AI.
  1. Podcast ads are not found to be intrusive by 46% of the monthly podcast listeners. That is 23% points more than the YouTube viewers. 
  1. Over one in two podcasters reported saving time by using AI to convert audio to text and display notes/transcripts. 

Source: Edison Research, Statista, Semrush, Content Marketing Institute, Hubspot

Image Content Statistics 

  1. 53% of marketers are looking forward to trying AI image generators in 2024.
  1. According to 42% of marketers, infographics and original graphics are the most engaging visual content to be included in blogs and posts.
  1. Around 65% of consumers are visual learners. That means they retain more information when they consume images, graphics, or videos. 
  1. Posts that include images witness a 650% increased engagement than text-only content. 
  2. An article’s drive to read increases by 80% when it includes infographics or other visual content. 
  1. People are 65% more likely to retain the information that they see in visual content. 
  1. Infographics are 30 times more likely to be read than blog posts and news articles. 

Source: Meghanmonaghan, Marq, Seacrh Logistics, ATD, Hubspot  

Video Content Statistics

  1. 68% of the marketers who failed to use video content in 2023 are looking forward to creating and using it as a marketing strategy in 2024. 
  1. 70% of the consumers purchased a product after coming across it on YouTube.
  1. 85% of the marketers producing video content plan to increase their budgets on video production in 2024.
  1. Short-form videos and live streaming are the most effective video content formats for engaging with the audience. 
  1. 91% of the marketers said they used video as a marketing tool for their business. 
  1. 69% of marketers include video ad payments in their marketing campaigns.
  1. 9 in 10 video marketers stated that video content helped them increase brand awareness.
  1. Nearly 6 in 10 businesses plan to increase their video content investments in 2024. 
  1. According to video consumers, relatable video is 1.6 times more important than producing high-quality content. 
  1. 96% of consumers watch an explainer video to learn more about a product or service.
  1. Nearly 8 in 10 content marketers plan to create more video content in 2024.
  1. 31% of marketers used AI to create short-form video content, while 18% used it to create long video content. 
  1. 52% of the marketers said they plan to try AI video generators in 2024. 
  1. 91% of businesses create video content as a marketing tool. 
  1. 56% of TikTok marketers plan to increase their video creation and production budget in 2024. 
  1. Over one-third of marketers use social media videos as a part of their video marketing strategy. 

Source: Hubspot, Google, Wyzowl, Hubspot, Content Marketing Institute, Semrush

Content Marketing ROI Statistics 

  1. 68% of marketers reported that AI helped them achieve higher ROI in content marketing and SEO.
  1. Content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing methods like outbound marketing. 
  1. Three times more leads can be generated through content marketing.
  1. Businesses that use content marketing witness six times higher conversion rates than those that don’t. 
  1. 3 in 4 content marketers stated that adding visuals to their content helps them generate a better ROI. 

Source: Content Marketing Institute, Content Marketing Institute, Sprout Worth, Semrush

SEO Statistics

  1. 98% of internet users began their search journey on a search engine. 
  1. Only 5.7% of the pages make it to the top 10 search results within a year of being published.  
  1. 83% of the marketers stated that AI will positively affect their SEO efforts, which may upscale their content marketing strategy. 
  1. Keyword research and SEO are used by 78% of B2B marketers. 
  1. On average, the domain rating for the top 10 ranking pages is 60%.
  1. The pages with more backlinks receive higher organic traffic from Google. 
  1. Users spend 8% more time on the pages that rank first on SERP than those that rank 10th on SERP. 
  1. 7% of B2C marketers use keyword research and SEO for content creation. 
  1. An average page that ranks first on SERP also ranks in the top 10 for nearly 1000 relevant keywords. 
  1. Moving from the 7th to the 6th position on SERP can boost a page’s traffic by 20%. 
  1. The web page that ranks first on the SERP has an average click-through rate of 27.6%, and the 10th-ranking page has an average click-through rate of only 2.6%.

Source: Semrush, Ahref, Ahref, Hubspot, Content Marketing Institute, Semrush

AI Content Statistics

  1. 81% of the content marketers stated that generative AI helps them in various marketing tasks.
  1. 51% of marketers use AI to brainstorm new topics, 45% use it to research headlines and keywords, and another 45% use it to write drafts.
  1. 16% of the content marketers stated concern about AI taking over their jobs. 
  2. 76% of the businesses stated that their AI-generated content had ranked at least once.

Besides, 22% of the businesses reported that their AI-generated content had ranked a lot of times. 

Here is a table displaying the share of businesses that have managed to rank their AI-generated content. 

Number of Times AI generated Content RankedShare of Businesses
A few Times36%
A lot of times22%
At least once18%
Businesses haven’t tried AI content/ do not track AI content11%
Their other content also does not rank10%
Their other content is ranked, but AI-generated content did not3%
  1. 66% of the businesses that use AI consider traffic to be one of the key components. 

At the same time, nearly half of the content marketers using AI consider conversions and leads the key components for tracking their content marketing results. 

The following table displays the factors content marketers use to track the performance of their AI-generated content. 

Factors Used to Track Content Marketing ResultsPercentage of Marketers
Traffic 66%
Social media engagement and shares58%
Conversions and leads50%
On-page engagement48%
Revenue generated by Content/ content ROI38%
Media mentions and backlinks 29%
  1. 1 in 2 marketers believe that increasing AI adoption will help them achieve their goals.
  1. 79% of the businesses reported an increase in content quality with the adoption of AI.
  1. 58% of marketers in the United States stated that adopting generative AI has helped them increase their content creation performance. 
  1. Nearly 3 in 5 businesses use AI for researching content and topic ideas. 
  1. 58% of marketers said they use AI to write blogs, 39% said they use AI to generate outlines, and one-third use AI to optimize copy according to keywords. 

Before posting the AI content, marketers use a number of methods to review the AI-generated content. 

The following table displays the usage of AI by content marketers.

Usage of AIPercentage of Marketers
Researching content and topic ideas58%
Rewriting and paraphrasing text52%
Writing content from scratch50%
Creating a content marketing strategy 47%
Expanding text or adding more content and ideas40%
Creating content outlines 39%
Optimizing copy for target keywords33%
Audience Research30%
Improving the copies readability 29%
Creating content briefs27%
Improving copy’s tone of voice26%
  1. Three-fourths of the consumers trust AI-written content. 
  1. AI chatbots and other AI automation have helped over one-fourth of marketers improve their content strategies.    

Source: Semrush, Content Marketing Institute

Conclusion: Over 57% Of The Marketers In India Consider Content Marketing As Their Most Preferred Strategy

Nearly 3 in 10 marketers using content marketing in India said their main goal is to engage new consumers, and over one-fourth said they want to increase consumers’ awareness of their brand. 

Besides, considering the worldwide scenario, 90% of businesses have adopted content marketing, and 8 in 10 businesses actively invest in it.

That was all about content marketing statistics. Here are some related reads you can check out:

Digital Marketing Statistics

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